Trek Tips web app

Trek Tips web app

How might we…

How might we…

Empower enthusiasts to confidently pursue every outdoor adventure and enable outdoor experts to give back and earn more?

Empower enthusiasts to confidently pursue every outdoor adventure and enable outdoor experts to give back and earn more?

My role

End to end UI + UX design resulting in an interactive prototype


Optimal Workshop


7 months


Significantly reduce time spent researching

Outdoor activity information users can trust

Reduce barrier to entry for new outdoor enthusiasts

Enable experts to monetize their expertise effectively


Significantly reduce time spent researching

Outdoor activity information users can trust

Reduce barrier to entry for new outdoor enthusiasts

Enable experts to monetize their expertise effectively

My role

End to end UI + UX design resulting in an interactive prototype


Optimal Workshop


7 months

Let's survey the territory!

Let's survey the territory!

Lingo to know

  • Expert - Individual with vast competence, knowledge, and skill accumulated through years (at least 5) of experience and consistent practice in their outdoor activity of choice. 

  • Enthusiast - Individual with an amateur, hobbyist level of competence, knowledge, and skill whose experience is limited to a short amount of time or a long amount of inconsistent time engaging in the activity.

Area of opportunity

O1: The enthusiasts

😓 Pain points:

  • Countless hours researching vital information to participate in popular activities such as hiking, climbing, fishing, biking, and skiing

  • Overwhelming search for reliable information

O2: The experts

😐 Pain points:

  • Lack of easy ways to monetize expertise

  • Need for extra income

  • Lack of control over schedule

How might we…

Empower enthusiasts to confidently pursue every outdoor adventure and enable outdoor experts to give back and earn more?

Let's explore! Time for a little research.

Competitive analysis


  • Provides deep insights into the market and what's already available to users

  • Reveals common UI patterns

  • Can inspire important design decisions

🔑 Key takeaways



  • Common UI Patterns: Ensure the app uses familiar UI patterns for a seamless user experience.

  • Distinctive, Targeted Brand Experience: Develop a unique and focused brand identity that appeals specifically to outdoor enthusiasts and experts.

  • Question Suggestions in Chat: Incorporate feature to suggest relevant questions in the chat, enhancing user engagement and support.



  • Unclear Navigation Headings and Organization: Ensure app’s navigation has clear headings and a well-organized structure.

  • Experience Lags and Glitches: Design with potential performance issues in mind to ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Information Reliability: Ensure the information provided is accurate and reliable.

  • Limited Cross-Device and System Compatibility: Ensure compatibility across various devices and systems.


Why in person interviews?

  • Reveals critical user insights

  • Allows for open ended discussions + follow-up questions

  • Ability to observe non-verbal cues

🔑 Key insights


Prep + planning

= important

Overwhelming amount of online info

Often uses mobile in no service situations

Can spend several months researching

Insider advice

= valued


Values educating others

Many experts offer in-person guide services

Values verbal communication

Highly values efficiency

Interested in remote work

let's use our research to inform our…

User personas + affinity map
+ user journey map

User personas + affinity map + user journey map

⚠️ Challenge

⚠️ Challenge

  • Utilizing interview insights when they seem disjointed.

  • Organizing a large amount of info into something of value.

  • Gaining deeper understanding of the mind and actions of users.

💡Approach + process

💡Approach + process

  • Organized the information into an affinity map, which I then used to create user personas & user journey map.




let's add a little structure: Information architecture

let's add a little structure: Information architecture

User flow + card sorting + site map

User flow + card sorting + site map

🧠 ⛈️


  • Fleshing out feature requirements & site organization
  • Fleshing out feature requirements & site organization

Approach + process

  • Brainstormed functional requirements based on feedback from interviews to address user needs & goals

  • Brainstormed functional requirements based on feedback from interviews to address user needs & goals

👆🏼👉🏼👇🏼👈🏼 😰


  • Overwhelmed by the numerous potential directions for the sitemap
  • Overwhelmed by the numerous potential directions for the sitemap

Approach + process

  • Conducted a card sorting exercise to get feedback from target users

  • Conducted a card sorting exercise to get feedback from target users

🂩 🗂️ 🏃🏼‍♀️‍➡️


  • Card sorting exercise yielded somewhat unexpected results
  • Card sorting exercise yielded somewhat unexpected results

Approach + process

  • Embraced as an opportunity to set aside personal bias, allowing me to organize information in a way that was genuinely helpful for users rather than adhering to my preconceived notions

  • Embraced as an opportunity to set aside personal bias, allowing me to organize information in a way that was genuinely helpful for users rather than adhering to my preconceived notions

let's get sketchy: using structure to inform design

Low-fidelity wireframes

Low-fidelity wireframes

🧠 🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️ ✍🏼 ✏️


  • My mind raced with possible designs. I spent hours sketching and erasing.
  • My mind raced with possible designs. I spent hours sketching and erasing.

Approach + process

  • I decided to regroup and write down the minimum functional requirements, then rapidly prototyped based on these guidelines.

  • I decided to regroup and write down the minimum functional requirements, then rapidly prototyped based on these guidelines.

would it even work? time for testing

would it even work? time for testing

Usability testing

Usability testing

After upscaling to a clickable prototype with mid-fidelity wireframes, I conducted usability and A/B tests to identify errors and friction in key flows, uncover user preferences, and gauge user satisfaction.

After upscaling to a clickable prototype with mid-fidelity wireframes, I conducted usability and A/B tests to identify errors and friction in key flows, uncover user preferences, and gauge user satisfaction.

🕵🏼‍♀️ 📲


  • Avoiding introducing bias in usability testing prompts

Approach + process

  • I made sure to use neutral language

  • Focused on tasks

  • Sought peer reviews and iterated based on feedback

🚫 📊


  • Deciding what usability errors to prioritize

Approach + process

  • Assigned severity ratings

  • Focused on user impact

  • Analyzed the frequency of occurrence

key errors emerged that must be fixed

key errors emerged that must be fixed

What I changed + why

What I changed + why

Sign up flow

The issue ⚠️

  • Users tapped 'log in' before 'sign up' when prompted to create an account

The the fix 🔧👍🏻

  • Changed wording to 'Create an account'

  • Prioritized 'Create Account' as the main CTA


  • Prioritized 'Create Account' as the main CTA, since most returning users will already be signed in, making account creation a higher priority.

  • "Sign Up" can be perceived as a quick action, often associated with subscribing to a newsletter or limited features. In contrast, "Create Account" implies a more comprehensive setup, including a detailed profile. This change sets clear expectations, enhances perceived value, and reduces ambiguity for users.

Search flow

The issue ⚠️

  • Users tapped 'Browse our expert guiding partners' button on bottom of screen to search experts

The the fix 🔧👍🏻

  • Changed name of app to TrekTips

  • Designed more comprehensive section about guides


  • I changed the app name because users were mistakenly thinking every expert was a guide due to the app being called "Guided." The new name eliminates this confusion and clarifies the role of the expert.

  • To reduce confusion about what a guide is, I added more detailed information to provide clarity for users.

Schedule a call flow

The issue ⚠️

  • Users were hesitant about where to tap when asked to schedule a call with an expert

The the fix 🔧👍🏻
  • Changed wording to 'Schedule a call'

  • Turned into a FAB

  • Changed the wording to "Schedule a call" for clarity, as it directly represents the action taken. The term "session" was ambiguous, while "Schedule a call" precisely describes the user's action.

  • Changed static button to a Floating Action Button (FAB) to highlight the primary action and increase its visibility and accessibility. The FAB's prominent placement and distinct design make the interface more engaging and space-efficient.

we made it!!

we made it!!

Final mock ups +
interactive prototype + style guide

Final mock ups +
interactive prototype + style guide

What I learned

What I learned

This project provided valuable insights into the entire design process, including the intricate details of human-centered design. It presented numerous challenges, many of which I have discussed above. Through these experiences, I identified several key takeaways that will inform my future design work.

🔑 Key takeaways

🔑 Key takeaways

  1. Thorough research is crucial for making informed and effective design decisions. The more comprehensive the research, the stronger the foundation for creating user-centered solutions and justifying design choices.

  1. Collaboration is essential in the design process. Engaging with others brings diverse perspectives and insights that can uncover opportunities and solutions I might have overlooked on my own.

  1. No design process is one-dimensional or strictly linear; each project has its unique trajectory. This project followed a linear design process due to the course requirements, but I recognized numerous instances where iterating and revisiting certain stages would have been highly beneficial. Embracing flexibility and adaptability in future projects will enhance the overall design outcome.

Make my day, say hey!

Raeann Beckham

Make my day, say hey!